Classic Scramble™

The following explains team formation, officials selection, and schedule for Classic Scramble™ meets.

Team Formation

Quizzers (for the purposes of Scramble defined as anyone who wants to quiz at Scramble, regardless of normal quizzing eligibility) self-organize into teams. They are incentivized to build diverse teams via the following scoring alterations:

Quizzers will be given "ID sheets" where they will record:

Quizzers will have 20 minutes to self-organize into teams. Once formed, teams fill out roster sheets to provide officials during the meet.

During the lunch break, teams may trade quizzers between each other.


The following are the eligibility requirements for Scramble meet officials:

Everyone wanting to officiate should chat with the seated officials in a given room about picking up the officiating of the next quiz.

Schedule Generation

There's no schedule. Teams should place their rosters on the officials' table in a given room, in arrival order. The officials will call teams to quiz based on the arrival order of their rosters.